June 27: new pictures of the foundation going in ... thanks to the weeHouse owners!

Although the design and planning has been going on for a while, NOW! is the time for the foundation preparation for a standard weeHouse PAIR to be placed about 45 miles west of Albany, near Cobleskill, NY. It's a cool project for us (Scott is the Project Manager) for a variety of reasons: great clients, lovely site, sensitive design and detail planning, and we also have a weeHouse PAIR being built for the Oceanside, OR area this Fall (Beth is the Project Manager). In other words, weeHouses from coast-to-coast!
The clients have graciously provided these 'prep' photos, and will be updating us along the way. As they do, we'll keep you posted. We respect our client's privacy, and will provide updates only that they're comfortable with. We trust you'll understand.
Meanwhile, here are some stats that you might be interested in:
* financing is being done by a local bank
* process started with Alchemy in October 2007; site work (client started from scratch which means even putting in their own septic and well systems) and preliminary design happened throughout the winter of 2007-2008
* site work started in Spring 2008
* house is due to be 'set' in Fall 2008
* floor plan follows the weeHouse side x side PAIR that has two bedrooms and one bath; client added screen porch (great idea!) using Alchemy's additional design services and also worked with their general contractor to customize a walk-in basement; another great upgrade they opted for is in-floor heat (which eliminates forced air and provides economic savings in the long run)
* total square footage (including exterior deck and porch) = 1250
* client maintaining some weeHouse standard options featuring Andersen windows, Kohler fixtures, Teragren bamboo flooring, and Bosch appliances (dishwasher, cooktop, oven) along with other products listed in our specs
* (06/08): price for weeHouse PAIR in NY is listed at $189K; this house with additional design options/fees is still coming in at under $200K (about $160/SF); additional costs include site work, basement, transportation, and set/hook-up fees (many of these are priced differently by region)
More later!
Looks like fun! Good luck and I hope it gets built without any hitches.
Alchemy is one of the first prefabricated home producer to have their own blog to educate its future customer and I'm ecstatic.
This is huge for a lot of New Yorkers who are looking for options.
I'm tuning in for more posts and information.
So, what's it gonna cost me to come see this new weeHouse in progress? I am a would-be (and hopeful) client in western Connecticut and am very impressed with both the designs and their methodological philosophy....
Although I now do graphic design and am also an environmental educator, I used to be a production manager of an architectural design firm in New York city, so I know whereof I speak. You do good work, and may the weeHouse spread across the land far and wide - and into CT (hint-hint)!
That's my story and I'm stickin' to it.
Looks like a sick house!!! Good luck with everything.
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